Thursday, 3 July 2008

Liverpool gets one last look at the WYD Cross!

We began walking this morning at Ash Road Sporting Complex in Liverpool. Once again we were joined by some local parishioners including some of the host families from last night. Our walk today was quite peaceful as we travelled along the streets and through the parks.

At Amalfi Memorial Park we were joined by some local school students. It was wonderful to see their excitement at being involved in the 15 Day Walk and to be able to answer their questions. They participated in our prayer service and we particularly remembered the many blessings that we as Australians enjoy and the glory of God in Creation.

At Woodward Park we stopped for another prayer and lunch. It was a chance for people to share their stories about the WYD Cross and what has touched them. One lady shared about when the Cross was last in the Wollongong Diocese in March this year. She told us that her disabled son was unable to walk with the Cross but the procession had stopped near her car so that he could reach through the window and touch the Cross. She was so grateful and believed that her son knew the importance of the Cross despite his intellectual disability.

The walk continued and we were thrilled to be joined by Bishop Fisher who has been very busy in the World Youth Day Office but was keen to join the 15 day Walk for a short time! We finished up at All Saints Church in Liverpool and the parish continued their celebrations into the night.


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