Sunday 8 June 2008

Passion in Perth

Today was one of the main events of the JCI in the Archdiocese. Beginning at Trinity College at 7am, we processed the Cross and Icon around the entire Swan River foreshore, whilst praying the Stations of the Cross. Each station was hosted by a school, parish or community and included drama and music. As we walked along the south side we were joined by a small group of dolphins who came out for a glimpse of the procession! It was a lovely sight.

The final 2 stations were particularly memorable as they used an underpass as the tomb and those in the procession were invited to walk through for the Resurrection Station. At the announcement that Jesus had Risen, the Ukrainian men acting out the station began to dance with joy symbolising the response of the disciples at discovering that Jesus was alive. We finished at Edwards Park at 1pm in time for some veneration and a picnic lunch.

The Bateman parish included the Cross and Icon visit in their 6pm Youth Mass. This was followed by the rosary, adoration and other activities.


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