Wednesday 17 October 2007

This morning the Cross and icon visited the St Mark’s College and the Lead Smelter in Port Pirie. Unfortunately I wasn’t present at these events but if you were, please feel free to post comments about them.
This afternoon we hit the road and were on the way to Jamestown. When we arrived there were so many young ladies and girls present that I was wondering why it hadn’t been called Jamisontown! We shared a dinner of Yiros with the parishioners who had gathered and then proceeded to process around Jamestown. We visited the 5 different Churches that are in the town. My highlight was a young lady singing the Our Father a cappella to the tune of Auld Lang Syne. She had a beautiful voice which carried across the Church courtyard where we had gathered.

We then returned to the Catholic Church for a prayer liturgy. As the prayers of the faithful were read out a light candle was passed from the middle of the Church through the hands of a group of young people before it was placed at the foot of the Cross. I thought it was beautifully symbolic, the candle representing the prayer passing from the congregation to the heart of Jesus. Great night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are some great photo's. The atmosphere is captured really well for the past week; and from the Jamestown event, the procession looks quite majestic with the sun shining through the trees making the flags light up. It must be hard work constantly coming up with original ways to photograph processions. Well Done!

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