Friday, 30 May 2008

Small town Spirit

This morning local parishioners & students from Busselton farewelled the visit of the Cross & Icon with Mass at Our Lady of the Bay Church.

We then travelled to the small town of Collie and were met by local dignitaries, parishioners & students for a small liturgy outside the railway station; then a procession down to St Brigid’s Church. Here the youth of Collie officially received the Cross & Icon into their parish and we all joined together in a liturgy and afternoon tea.
As you can see in the photos, students and parishioners went to a great effort to decorate the outside of the Church – and it paid off! During the week the parish office had a number of enquiries from locals about WYD.

The community at St Matthews Church in Narrogin welcomed us for our final visit of the day. Although only a small town, there was a great spirit amongst the parishioners who came together for an evening liturgy and supper.
During the liturgy Bishop Holohan reflected on the power of a personal relationship with Jesus, and how the Cross acts as a pathway for us to experiencing this.
It was encouraging to meet some of the youth in the parish and hear about their fundraising efforts which have fully supported the group of twenty get to Sydney for WYD. What an top effort!


Anonymous said...

That sounds great!i wish i could've been there...

Anonymous said...

It is encouraging to hear about such a small community going to so much effort for their faith and that it has raised awareness amoungst others in their community.

~Sarah xx

Anonymous said...

that sounds great! it sounds a lot of fun...

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