Sunday, 18 May 2008

Celebrating the Transfiguration on top of Mount Wellington.

The Transfiguration was celebrated in a very fitting way in Hobart, Tasmania! At 6:15am two buses full of eager parishioners accompanied the WYD Cross and Icon to the top of Mount Wellington and watched the sun rise. The chill factor reached -8 and on the walk down the mountain, the pilgrims walked through falling snow. Perhaps a little different from the original disciples walk down the mountain! At The Springs Mass was celebrated before the pilgrims were bussed down to St David’s Park for a Family Festival.

Many people gathered here to celebrate family life beneath the cross and activities included a jumping castle, blowing bubbles, face painting and games.

The Cross and Icon then headed to Richmond. Here we began at St Luke’s Anglican Church and processed through town, across the oldest bridge in Australia to the oldest Catholic Church in Australia, St John’s. Stations of the Cross were prayed and there was time for veneration. It was such a wonderful day and a pleasure to go to some Iconic places in Tasmania with this special youth Cross.


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