Sunday, 30 March 2008

WYD Cross & Icon take a sea change

Today was another incredibly scenic experience as we travelled to Ulladulla, Huskisson and finally Nowra.

A large crowd gathered on the grass in front of Holy Family Church for morning Mass celebrated by Bishop Peter, and then processed down to Ulladulla Harbour for community celebrations around the Cross & Icon.

After lunch we moved on to Vincentia where the Cross boarded a boat and was driven to Huskisson boat ramp. Here a large crowd was on hand, ready to make the most of their time with these special symbols. School students, Cadets and various community groups helped carry the Cross & Icon after they arrived by boat.
We then moved into a time of liturgy, which began with a lovely Welcome to Country by the local indigenous community.

Final stop of the day was St Johns Nowra for Mass. We had a great welcome here from an excited group of young people, keen to add their own contribution to the pilgrimage of the Cross & Icon.

As Fr Chris so rightly shared, although we took the Cross to some truly beautiful locations today (and throughout the whole journey), the beauty of the Cross always holds its own. It continues to bring its life changing message of hope, reconciliation and love to people wherever it travels - a beauty that has been well received by people of all ages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow a cross can drive a boat :) awsome

heres a joke for some laughs

theres two muffins in an oven
one muffin says to the other
'gee, it getting warm in here...'
the other muffin replys with
'WOW, a talking muffin!!!'



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